Viz’s “Weekly Shonen Jump” To Feature Bonus “Dragon Ball” Manga – Crunchyroll News

Crunchyroll News

Viz's "Weekly Shonen Jump" To Feature Bonus "Dragon Ball" Manga
Crunchyroll News
This looks like its likely to be Dragon Ball Minus, the bonus from the collection of Dragon Ball author's Akira Toriyama's recent, tangentially Dragon Ball related Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. That story is set to cover Goku's life before heading to

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‘Radar’ buigt zich over zin en onzin van rijvaardigheidsbewijzen – TV Visie

'Radar' buigt zich over zin en onzin van rijvaardigheidsbewijzen
TV Visie
'Radar' buigt zich over zin en onzin van rijvaardigheidsbewijzen. zondag 30 maart 2014. Foto: TROS – © AVROTROS 2014. De instantie die beoordeelt of je goed in staat bent om auto te rijden heet het CBR. Mensen met een handicap kunnen extra vaak met …

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Senate Leaders Mull Bonus Depreciation Extension – Aviation Week

Aviation Week

Senate Leaders Mull Bonus Depreciation Extension
Aviation Week
Senate Finance Committee leaders are working on a measure to extend a series of tax incentives, including bonus depreciation, and are expected to consider the so-called tax-extenders package as soon as next week. Senate Finance Committee Chairman …

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Network Rail’s new broom Mark Carne vows to sweep away bonus culture – The Independent

The Independent

Network Rail's new broom Mark Carne vows to sweep away bonus culture
The Independent
Sir David was subject to media ridicule for receiving a bonus just shy of £100,000 last year, even though he made great strides in commercialising the business, while a predecessor, Iain Coucher, received more than his £613,000 basic salary in add-ons
Network Rail's new chief executive Mark Carne pledges end to bonus cultureEvening Standard

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‘Radar’ buigt zich over zin en onzin van rijvaardigheidsbewijzen – TV Visie

'Radar' buigt zich over zin en onzin van rijvaardigheidsbewijzen
TV Visie
'Radar' buigt zich over zin en onzin van rijvaardigheidsbewijzen. zondag 30 maart 2014. Foto: TROS – © AVROTROS 2014. De instantie die beoordeelt of je goed in staat bent om auto te rijden heet het CBR. Mensen met een handicap kunnen extra vaak met …

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